Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Soccer-Witchita Falls tourney

iso- 100 f/4.0  shutter speed- 1/1000

iso-400  f/4.0  shutter speed- 1/2000 

This weekend the soccer team went to the Witchita Falls tournament and got 1st place! I have been out of soccer for a while so i have been shooting he games. I like to shoot it sometimes because I know hat is going to happen and i can get ok pictures. But I get WAY too into the game and I dont really pay attention to the camera. I watch the game. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


We learned how to do spiderman today and it was so much fun! Your timing has to be perfect. It took a while for me to get the concept of using the flashes, but after a while I understood. It's like painting with light, but backwards. We set our ISO to 100 our shutter speed was 250 and then we had to coordinate our aperture with the flashes(5.6).

Friday, January 14, 2011


The lake behind my house looked so pretty with all the snow falling. the dock was covered. I couldn't stay out in the snow too long because I was afraid my camera would get ruined.
iso-200 f/ 4.0 shutter speed-1/2000

I let Dax out because he was about to go crazy just sitting in the house and he started eating the snow. It was so funny and cute. So i went and grabbed my camera. I had to change my white balance because of all the snow. 
iso-200 f/ 4.0 shutter speed- 1/500